The objective of the Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics(GSCAEP) is to: 1. Implement graduate education with distinctive customization, guided by national objectives. 2. Conduct fundamental research that is oriented towards strategic needs and scientific frontiers, with complete openness. 3. Combine scientific research and education to enhance the capabilities of the basic research teams at GSCAEP.
Through a combination of scientific research and education, GSCAEP aims to establish a graduate school with distinct characteristics and first-class standards to serve the long-term strategic development of the country and the CAEP.
GSCAEP conducts fundamental research that is oriented towards strategic needs and scientific frontiers, with complete openness.
Research Team
Research Team
The research areas include theoretical physics, nuclear physics, complex systems, quantum information, materials and applied mathematics.
GSCAEP implements graduate education with distinctive customization, guided by national objectives.
The 3rd Outstanding Doctoral Forum of GSCAEP successfully concluded

To strengthen the exchange of excellent research achievements among our graduate students, promote interdisciplinary collaboration, cultivate the scientific spirit and innovation ability of our students, and create a vibrant academic atmosphere, the Graduate School organized the 3rd Outstanding Doctoral Forum from June 17th to 19th, 2023, at the Jiulong Hotel in Mianyang, Sichuan Province. The forum included keynote speeches, poster presentations, and academic salons. Based on the previous call for papers and the review by the Graduate School, 97 abstracts were selected, including 33 oral presentations and 64 poster presentations.

On June 17th, the opening ceremony of the 3rd Outstanding Doctoral Forum took place on the 56th anniversary of the hydrogen bomb explosion. More than 130 graduate students and supervisors gathered together. Xin Jiang, Deputy Director of the Planning and Education Department of the Human Resources Department, Libin Fu, Vice President of the Graduate School (responsible for administrative work), Guiyan Liang, Vice President, relevant department staff, leaders and faculty members from various graduate training units attended the opening ceremony. The ceremony was chaired by Vice President Guiyan Liang.

Vice President Libin Fu of the Graduate School delivered the opening speech. On behalf of the Graduate School, Vice President Libin Fu warmly congratulated the forum's opening. He pointed out that graduate students are the backbone of future scientific and technological development, and scientific research is the essence of graduate education. Academic exchanges are an important way to cultivate and enhance students' research capabilities. He encouraged the students to make full use of the forum to actively engage in discussions with expert mentors and fellow students, draw academic inspiration, and improve their research level.

Subsequently, Deputy Director Xin Jiang of the Planning and Education Department of the Human Resources Department delivered a speech. Deputy Director Jiang congratulated the opening of the Outstanding Doctoral Forum and encouraged the students to have "faith in their hearts, responsibilities on their shoulders, and strength under their feet." She urged them to make good use of the platform provided by the forum, take outstanding senior students as role models, enhance their confidence, and strive for success. She also encouraged them to integrate their youth, passion, and wisdom into the development needs of the country, actively embrace the new era, and forge ahead!

Keynote Speech Session

The forum speeches were divided into ten sections, each hosted by an expert, with 3-4 graduate students giving presentations. The presentations covered various disciplines, including mathematics, physics, materials science and engineering, nuclear science and technology, mechanics, optics, and mechanical engineering. During the presentations, the graduate students explained their research achievements, and the expert mentors provided constructive comments and suggestions. The attendees actively participated in questioning and discussion. Through free communication and in-depth exploration, they broadened their horizons, increased their knowledge, and enhanced their exchanges.

Poster Presentation Session

The poster session of the forum adopted the format of an academic salon and cold buffet. It was hosted by Researcher Xiaoquan Yu of the Graduate School. On the evening of June 17th, while enjoying delicious food, everyone engaged in academic discussions. Graduate students confidently stood in front of their posters, showcasing their research achievements. Participants moved between the various posters, seeking out topics of interest and engaging in thorough discussions. Mutual learning and exploration among participants encouraged one another, stimulated innovative thinking, and tapped into research potential. The faculty actively participated as well, not only raising questions but also sharing their experiences and viewpoints, guiding the students in their future research directions. The atmosphere on-site was vibrant and enthusiastic.

The closing ceremony of the forum was held on the afternoon of June 19th, with Yanzhen Zhang, Deputy Director of the Student Affairs Office, delivering the concluding remarks. On behalf of the Graduate School, Ms. Zhang expressed sincere gratitude to the relevant departments and leaders, experts, supervisors, and participating students for their active involvement in the forum. She extended her full affirmation to the students for their excellent presentations and enthusiastic discussions, and hoped that everyone would fully absorb the results of the forum and continue to strengthen communication, exchange ideas, and grow together.

During the ceremony, Vice President Libin Fu of the Graduate School presented the "Outstanding Poster Presentation Award" to the award-winning students. The list of awardees is as follows (in no particular order): Fulong Dong (Main Campus), Shuqi Yang (First Institute), Yuhua Ma (Second Institute), Zhengyang Gao (Fourth Institute), Wei Jiang (Seventh Institute), Jiawei Wang (Ninth Institute).

The annual "Outstanding Doctoral Forum" is not only a grand event for academic exchanges among our graduate students but also a concentrated showcase of the educational strength of our graduate school. The forum provides a platform for our graduate students to engage in extensive communication and display their research achievements, thus assisting them in enhancing their research abilities and broadening their academic horizons. The Graduate School will continue to organize various academic exchange activities, such as lectures by academicians and experts, mentor-themed lectures, and graduate student academic forums, to effectively serve the growth and development of our graduate students.