The objective of the Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics(GSCAEP) is to: 1. Implement graduate education with distinctive customization, guided by national objectives. 2. Conduct fundamental research that is oriented towards strategic needs and scientific frontiers, with complete openness. 3. Combine scientific research and education to enhance the capabilities of the basic research teams at GSCAEP.
Through a combination of scientific research and education, GSCAEP aims to establish a graduate school with distinct characteristics and first-class standards to serve the long-term strategic development of the country and the CAEP.
GSCAEP conducts fundamental research that is oriented towards strategic needs and scientific frontiers, with complete openness.
Research Team
Research Team
The research areas include theoretical physics, nuclear physics, complex systems, quantum information, materials and applied mathematics.
GSCAEP implements graduate education with distinctive customization, guided by national objectives.

To meet the strategic development needs in the new era of the country, the main work of China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP) towards deeper development has put forward new requirements for relevant fundamental research. As a platform for open fundamental research and characteristic talent training in the whole institute, the Graduate School focuses on the prospective fundamental research driven by the main tasks of CAEP. 


In order to effectively conduct demand-driven fundamental research and meet the major needs of national security, and to address the major needs of national security, we are conducting coordinated basic research related to precision scaling design, controllable service stability, and provable security guarantee, based on the scientific foundation of common technologies for complex system integration, supporting the development of science and technology related to the country and CAEP. 


These basic researches including the following areas: the physical problems of quantum sensing technology, nuclear physics frontier for special applications, quantum theory and experiment of information security and its certification, and theoretical physics for high-energy-density systems. The development of these basic disciplines not only plays a key supportive role in the strategic development needs of CAEP, but also has radiation and promotion effects on related disciplines, for the country, for the reserve of talent and technology in the discipline.


Guided by the demand-driven philosophy, the Graduate School has established clear cooperation relationships with the Research Institutes that undertake the main tasks within CAEP through the mentor-partner program, and has conducted researches around the key research directions mentioned above. At present, scientific researchers of the Graduate School have published a series of high-level academic papers in well-known international academic journals such as Science, Physical Review X, Physical Review Letters, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, and High Energy Density Physics.

To meet the strategic development needs in the new era of the country, the main work of China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP) towards deeper development has put forward new requirements for relevant fundamental research. As a platform for open fundamental research and characteristic talent training in the whole institute, the Graduate School focuses on the prospective fundamental research driven by the main tasks of CAEP. 


In order to effectively conduct demand-driven fundamental research and meet the major needs of national security, and to address the major needs of national security, we are conducting coordinated basic research related to precision scaling design, controllable service stability, and provable security guarantee, based on the scientific foundation of common technologies for complex system integration, supporting the development of science and technology related to the country and CAEP. 


These basic researches including the following areas: the physical problems of quantum sensing technology, nuclear physics frontier for special applications, quantum theory and experiment of information security and its certification, and theoretical physics for high-energy-density systems. The development of these basic disciplines not only plays a key supportive role in the strategic development needs of CAEP, but also has radiation and promotion effects on related disciplines, for the country, for the reserve of talent and technology in the discipline.


Guided by the demand-driven philosophy, the Graduate School has established clear cooperation relationships with the Research Institutes that undertake the main tasks within CAEP through the mentor-partner program, and has conducted researches around the key research directions mentioned above. At present, scientific researchers of the Graduate School have published a series of high-level academic papers in well-known international academic journals such as Science, Physical Review X, Physical Review Letters, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, and High Energy Density Physics.