Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) theory is the fundamental theory describing the interaction between light and matter. With the development of high-intensity laser technology, the corresponding QED processes exhibit increasingly strong nonlinearity, prompting scientists to focus on the application of QED theory under extreme conditions. Such research not only helps to advance the frontier of theoretical physics, plasma physics, particle physics, and astrophysics, but also holds the promise of exploring new physics beyond the Standard Model.
The topic includes:
1. Strong-field QED theory and its applications
2. Numerical methods for strong-field QED
3. Strong-field QED phenomena in intense laser or astrophysical environments
4. Next generation of light/particle source based on Strong-field QED effects
5. The future of strong field physics
The workshop on New Opportunities of Strong-Field Quantum Electrodynamics will provide a platform for scientists to brainstorming and collaboration in the field of intense laser and matter interactions. The organizing committee sincerely invites and welcomes scientists and young researchers to participate in this conference and kindly requests everyone to spread the word.
1. Registration:
Deadline for registration and submission of abstract: August 5, 2024
Registration fee:
300$ for scientists (early bird fee 240$, before July 21,2024)
200$ for students (early bird fee 160$, before July 21,2024)
Registration Link: https://www.wjx.top/vm/tWlc7I8.aspx
2. Time and location:
Check-in: August 19, 2024
Conference Dates: August 20, 2024 - August 23, 2024
Check-out: August 24, 2024
Location: Chun-Hui-Yuan Hot SpringResort Hotel, Beijing
3. Way to participant:
Plenary talk: 30 mins for presentation + 10 mins for Q&A
Invited talk: 20 mins for presentation + 10 mins for Q&A
Oral talk: 15 mins for presentation + 5 mins for Q&A
Poster: 90cm wide x 120cm long
4. Steering Committee
R. X. Li, ShanghaiTech University
C. P. Sun, Graduate School of CAEP
L. B. Fu, Graduate School of CAEP
Y. T. Li, Institute of Physics, CAS
J. Liu, Graduate school of CAEP
B. Qiao, Peking University
B. F. Shen, Shanghai Normal University
Z. M. Sheng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
J. M. Yuan, Graduate School of CAEP
5. Local Committee
Q. Z. Lv, Graduate School of CAEP
X. F. Shen, Peking University
D. D. Su, Shanghai Normal University
W. C. Yan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
6. Speakers (Ongoing Updates):
Sergey Bulanov (ELI Beamlines Facility )
Matteo Tamburini (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)
Gianluca Sarri (School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen's University)
Hidetoshi Taya(Department of Physics, Keio University)
Michael Klaiber (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)
Yan-Jun Gu(Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University)
She Sheng Xue (Member of ICRANet Faculty,Italy)
Zheng-Ming Sheng (Shanghai Jiaotong University)
Baifei Shen (Shanghai Normal University)
Bin Qiao (Beijing University)
Jian-Xing LI (xi'an Jiaotong University)
7. Hotel Website
8. Transport Instructuion:Road map to the hotel