2016.08至今,中国工程物理研究院研究生院 教授
1996.12-2016.08,国防科技大学应用物理系 教授
1992.12-1996.12,国防科技大学应用物理系 副教授
1988.04-1992.12,国防科技大学应用物理系 讲师
1985.02-1988.04,国防科技大学应用物理系 助教
1996.01-1997.12,德国Clausthal工业大学 博士后
[1]. 袁建民. On the elastic cross sections of low-energy e-CH4 and e-SiH4 scattering in a spherical model potential. Journal of Physics B Atomic Molecular & Optical Physics, 21(15), 2737-2749 (1988).
[2]. 袁建民. B. D. Esry, Toru Morishita, and C. D. Lin. Stable bound state of e++Li and e++Na. Physical Review A, 58, R4(1998).
[3]. 袁建民. Self-consistent average atom scheme for electronic structure of hot and dense plasmas of mixture. Physical Review E, 66, 047401 (2002).
[4]. Jiayu Dai, Yong Hou, 袁建民. Unified First Principles Description from Warm Dense Matter to Ideal Ionized Gas Plasma: Electron-Ion Collisions Induced Friction. Physical Review Letters, 104,245001 (2010).
[5]. Dongwen Zhang, Zhihui Lv, Cao Meng, Xiyu Du, Zhaoyan Zhou, Zengxiu Zhao, 袁建民. |Synchronizing Terahertz Wave Generation with Attosecond Bursts. Physical Review Letters, 109, 243002 (2012).
2016.08至今,中国工程物理研究院研究生院 教授
1996.12-2016.08,国防科技大学应用物理系 教授
1992.12-1996.12,国防科技大学应用物理系 副教授
1988.04-1992.12,国防科技大学应用物理系 讲师
1985.02-1988.04,国防科技大学应用物理系 助教
1996.01-1997.12,德国Clausthal工业大学 博士后
[1]. 袁建民. On the elastic cross sections of low-energy e-CH4 and e-SiH4 scattering in a spherical model potential. Journal of Physics B Atomic Molecular & Optical Physics, 21(15), 2737-2749 (1988).
[2]. 袁建民. B. D. Esry, Toru Morishita, and C. D. Lin. Stable bound state of e++Li and e++Na. Physical Review A, 58, R4(1998).
[3]. 袁建民. Self-consistent average atom scheme for electronic structure of hot and dense plasmas of mixture. Physical Review E, 66, 047401 (2002).
[4]. Jiayu Dai, Yong Hou, 袁建民. Unified First Principles Description from Warm Dense Matter to Ideal Ionized Gas Plasma: Electron-Ion Collisions Induced Friction. Physical Review Letters, 104,245001 (2010).
[5]. Dongwen Zhang, Zhihui Lv, Cao Meng, Xiyu Du, Zhaoyan Zhou, Zengxiu Zhao, 袁建民. |Synchronizing Terahertz Wave Generation with Attosecond Bursts. Physical Review Letters, 109, 243002 (2012).