The objective of the Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics(GSCAEP) is to: 1. Implement graduate education with distinctive customization, guided by national objectives. 2. Conduct fundamental research that is oriented towards strategic needs and scientific frontiers, with complete openness. 3. Combine scientific research and education to enhance the capabilities of the basic research teams at GSCAEP.
Through a combination of scientific research and education, GSCAEP aims to establish a graduate school with distinct characteristics and first-class standards to serve the long-term strategic development of the country and the CAEP.
GSCAEP conducts fundamental research that is oriented towards strategic needs and scientific frontiers, with complete openness.
Research Team
Research Team
The research areas include theoretical physics, nuclear physics, complex systems, quantum information, materials and applied mathematics.
GSCAEP implements graduate education with distinctive customization, guided by national objectives.
Student Activities
Graduate School Organizes 2024 CAEP Graduate "Outstanding Student Scholarship" Expert Evaluation Meeting

The evaluation meeting for the 2024 CAEP Graduate "Outstanding Student Scholarship" was held on May 16 at the Software Park campus. The evaluation expert group consisted of 17 experts, including recommended experts from various CAEP training units and specially invited experts. The group was chaired by Researcher Jianguo He from the Institute of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology. The meeting was attended by Academician Changpu Sun, Chairman of the CAEP Degree Evaluation Committee, Researcher Libin Fu, Deputy Director (Acting in Charge of Administrative Affairs) of the Graduate School, Deputy Director Jianhui Shan, and relevant business teachers from the Graduate School. The meeting was chaired by Deputy Director Jianhui Shan.

At the beginning of the meeting, Academician Changpu Sun delivered a speech. He highly praised the positive guiding role of the Outstanding Student Scholarship evaluation in the cultivation of CAEP graduate students in recent years. He expressed hope that the expert evaluation group would fully exert their expertise, ensuring that the evaluation process is open, fair, and just, and that truly outstanding graduate students are selected. He also encouraged the Graduate School to keep pace with the times, further improving and revising the evaluation criteria for the Outstanding Student Scholarship according to the new priorities of their work, and to continuously enhance the evaluation process.

The Student Affairs Office reported to the expert group on the evaluation standards, detailed rules, and the summary and review of the applicants' materials for this year's Outstanding Student Scholarship.

During the evaluation session, the group leader, Researcher Jianguo He, organized the experts to review, discuss, and vote on the application materials of 108 graduate students based on the evaluation criteria. A total of 66 students were awarded the Outstanding Student Scholarship, including 27 Special Awards and 39 Excellence Awards. According to the evaluation process, the Graduate School will publicize the results for five working days (publicity link: https://gscaep.ac.cn/subPage/subStunfo.html?id=288) before honoring and rewarding the winning graduate students.

Subsequently, the expert group provided constructive opinions and suggestions for the scholarship evaluation work for the next year.

In conclusion, Deputy Director Libin Fu summarized the evaluation meeting. He first thanked the experts for participating in the Outstanding Student Scholarship evaluation meeting and for their support of graduate education. He noted that the Outstanding Student Scholarship has been conducted for seven years and has had a positive impact among CAEP graduates, serving as a powerful example that has increased students' enthusiasm for learning. The results of the recent evaluations have shown significant improvement in the quality and quantity of graduate students' research achievements, reflecting the continuous improvement in the quality of graduate education at CAEP. The Graduate School will continue to revise and improve the evaluation criteria for the Outstanding Student Scholarship, ensuring smooth preparation for the next evaluation meeting. He also encouraged the training units to establish special scholarships based on their circumstances to further reward and recognize graduate students.

Appendix: List of Participating Experts (17 People)

  • Group Leader: Jianguo He
  • Members: Xu Wang, Guiji Wang, Chen Wang, Maobing Shuai, Guohuai Zhu, Xiaoyi Liu, Ying Li, Tongzai Yang, Shifu Xiao, Yangjun Ying, Wenquan Zhang, Chunrui Zhang, Xiuwen Zhou, Feng Qin, Chao Zeng, Huiyang Gou (in alphabetical order by surname)