The objective of the Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics(GSCAEP) is to: 1. Implement graduate education with distinctive customization, guided by national objectives. 2. Conduct fundamental research that is oriented towards strategic needs and scientific frontiers, with complete openness. 3. Combine scientific research and education to enhance the capabilities of the basic research teams at GSCAEP.
Through a combination of scientific research and education, GSCAEP aims to establish a graduate school with distinct characteristics and first-class standards to serve the long-term strategic development of the country and the CAEP.
GSCAEP conducts fundamental research that is oriented towards strategic needs and scientific frontiers, with complete openness.
Research Team
Research Team
The research areas include theoretical physics, nuclear physics, complex systems, quantum information, materials and applied mathematics.
GSCAEP implements graduate education with distinctive customization, guided by national objectives.
The Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics Holds 40th Anniversary Conference and 2024 Opening Ceremony in Beijing

On the morning of September 1, the Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics held a conference to celebrate its 40th anniversary and the 2024 opening ceremony in Beijing. Attendees included Academician Song Jiang, Deputy Director of the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Luanzong Tao, Deputy Director of the Degree Management and Graduate Education Division of the Ministry of Education; Batu Nasheng, Director of the Graduate Admissions Office of the Beijing Education Examination Authority; Academician Yuan Ning Gao, Dean of the School of Physics at Peking University; Academician Wenhui Huang, Director of the Department of Engineering Physics at Tsinghua University; Academician Shanguai Zhou, Director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Mo Zeyao, Party Secretary of the China Academy of Engineering Physics; former leaders Academicians Xian-geng Zhao, Cang-li Liu, and Senior Science Advisor Yihong Hang; and academicians Xiantu He, Changpu Sun, Minxing Luo, Jianjun Deng, Haiqing Lin, Daqiao Meng, Xiaomian Hu, and Hui Huang. Also present were leaders from relevant departments of the academy, leaders and personnel from various graduate training units, personnel from human resources and education departments, some former leaders of the graduate school, alumni representatives, all faculty and staff, and 323 new students for the 2024 academic year. The meeting was chaired by Ni Jialiang, Party Secretary of the Graduate School.

Jialiang Ni announced the start of the meeting, and everyone stood to sing the national anthem.

During the meeting, a special video on the 40th anniversary of graduate education at China Academy of Engineering Physics was shown, reviewing the original mission of founding graduate education at the academy and the development of graduate education over the past forty years.

Zongtao Luan, Deputy Director of the Degree Management and Graduate Education Division of the Ministry of Education, delivered a speech. He pointed out that as one of the earlier research institutions to engage in graduate education, China Academy of Engineering Physics has, over the past forty years, consistently oriented itself towards national strategic needs, closely aligning with these needs to train a large number of outstanding graduates and provide essential talent support for China’s national defense and technology sector. Facing new circumstances and the goal of building a strong educational nation, Luan emphasized that graduate education at China Academy of Engineering Physics must steadfastly uphold and implement the "Two Bombs, One Satellite" spirit. This spirit should be fully integrated into every aspect of talent cultivation. The focus should be on addressing urgent needs in key national areas, precisely targeting the scientific frontiers, continuously strengthening the development of fundamental, interdisciplinary, and emerging disciplines, maintaining keen insight into scientific frontiers, and ensuring the ongoing cultivation of high-quality, internationally competitive innovative talents.

Zeyao Mo, Party Secretary of China Academy of Engineering Physics, stated in his speech that over the past forty years, graduate education at China Academy of Engineering Physics has adhered to its original mission and developed vigorously. It has gradually assembled a high-level faculty team, established a distinctive and comprehensive disciplinary system, and cultivated and delivered a large number of outstanding students with both virtue and talent for the academy and the national defense technology sector. As we move into a new era and new journey, graduate education must uphold the leadership of party building, assume the responsibilities of the times, and fully recognize that graduate education is a crucial link in ensuring the safety of the academy's talent chain. It must be driven by demand, develop distinctive disciplines, make good use of internal research resources, and enhance its value contribution. It should also adhere to the synergy between science and education, build new platforms, research new methods, and advance fundamental research oriented towards strategic needs and scientific frontiers. Secretary Mo encouraged the 2024 new students to inherit and promote the "Two Bombs, One Satellite" spirit, to study diligently, focus on research, and aspire to become idealistic, responsible, hardworking, and determined young individuals.

Academician Changpu Sun, Chairman of the Degree Evaluation Committee of China Academy of Engineering Physics, delivered a speech in which he briefly reviewed the development and progress of graduate education at the academy. Looking to the future, Academician Sun proposed that the Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics will continue to adhere to its distinctive development philosophy, uphold the development approach of "synergy between science and education," and promote the high-quality development of graduate education. This involves enhancing the fundamental research capabilities of the faculty through graduate training, achieving new breakthroughs in scientific research innovation, and building a technological talent system that supports the development of new quality productive forces for the academy, thereby ensuring the safety of the talent chain.

Libin Fu, Vice Dean (in charge of administrative work) of the Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics, delivered a keynote report sharing insights on the current status and future development of graduate education at the academy. He stated that the Graduate School will continue to closely align with national and academy needs, actively explore a development path for graduate education with the academy's distinct characteristics, and further clarify the value positioning of the Graduate School to make greater contributions to serving the nation and the academy's development.

Researcher Xiaolin Wang, representing the mentors, reviewed his experiences as a graduate student at China Academy of Engineering Physics. He shared how his mentor’s careful guidance and encouragement had a significant impact on his subsequent personal development. Drawing from his own experiences, Wang discussed his understanding of the responsibilities of being a mentor and encouraged students to enhance their sense of responsibility and mission in the current era of "great changes unseen in a century." He urged them to consciously inherit the "Two Bombs, One Satellite" spirit, maintain a strong sense of patriotism, diligently pursue academic work, develop and adhere to good habits, and continuously enhance their initiative and self-discipline in learning.

Researcher Shaoping Zhu, a representative of the alumni and the first master’s graduate from the Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics, delivered a speech. He remarked that, even after forty years, he still recalls the academy's emphasis on graduate education and the meticulous and responsible guidance from his mentors. The distinct style of the academy's graduate education, characterized by the integration of theory and practice, had a profound impact on his daily research. Sharing his own research experiences, Zhu encouraged students to make full use of the graduate education platform and resources provided by the academy. He urged them to study diligently, strive for excellence, and contribute more significantly to the nation and the people.

Yunxiang Li, representing the new students of the class of 2024, delivered a speech. He expressed his intention to take the predecessors as role models, remember the core values of China Academy of Engineering Physics—"Building the foundation of national defense and being the backbone of the nation"—and the "Two Bombs, One Satellite" spirit. He pledged to study diligently, work hard, transform his patriotism into actions for the country, and contribute youthful energy to the development of new quality productive forces for the nation.

Over forty years of spring and autumn, China Academy of Engineering Physics has traversed an extraordinary journey in graduate education and achieved remarkable results. Looking ahead to the new journey, the Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics will deeply implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 3rd Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee. It will earnestly execute the strategic deployment of advancing education, science, and talent in an integrated manner, continue to uphold its fine traditions, take on responsibilities courageously, deepen reform and innovation, and continuously improve educational quality. The goal is to cultivate more competitive and high-quality professional talents for the academy and the nation.

The attendees also visited the themed exhibition commemorating the 40th anniversary of graduate education at China Academy of Engineering Physics, where they collectively reviewed the brilliant development and growth of the academy's graduate education over the years.