The objective of the Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics(GSCAEP) is to: 1. Implement graduate education with distinctive customization, guided by national objectives. 2. Conduct fundamental research that is oriented towards strategic needs and scientific frontiers, with complete openness. 3. Combine scientific research and education to enhance the capabilities of the basic research teams at GSCAEP.
Through a combination of scientific research and education, GSCAEP aims to establish a graduate school with distinct characteristics and first-class standards to serve the long-term strategic development of the country and the CAEP.
GSCAEP conducts fundamental research that is oriented towards strategic needs and scientific frontiers, with complete openness.
Research Team
Research Team
The research areas include theoretical physics, nuclear physics, complex systems, quantum information, materials and applied mathematics.
GSCAEP implements graduate education with distinctive customization, guided by national objectives.
Student Activities
2024 Freshman Orientation Series Activities — Seminar on "Telecom Fraud and Fire Safety"

As part of the 2024 freshman orientation series, on the evening of October 18, the Graduate School invited Officer Pengyu Wang from the Huayuan Road Police Station to give a seminar on "Telecom Fraud and Campus Fire Safety" for the 2024 graduate students. The seminar was held at two locations: Huayuan Road Campus and Software Park Campus, with students from outside Beijing attending online.

In the telecom fraud session, Officer Wang provided a comprehensive explanation of telecom fraud, including its definition, characteristics, and common methods. Through vivid and typical case studies, such as online chatting, platform brushing, downloading unknown apps, and purchasing tickets through unofficial channels, Officer Wang reminded students to be vigilant and prevent telecom fraud in daily life. Additionally, Officer Wang introduced countermeasures and remedies in case of a scam, improving students' awareness of telecom fraud prevention and emergency responses.

In the campus fire safety session, Officer Wang explained various types of fires, combustion knowledge, and fire safety tips. Using classic case studies, he warned students about potential fire hazards in dormitory areas and stressed the importance of clearing such hazards in time. Officer Wang also introduced practical fire safety measures, types of fire extinguishers, and their appropriate usage scenarios, enhancing students' knowledge of fire safety.

During the seminar, Officer Wang also distributed promotional materials to students and addressed questions from the audience during the Q&A session.

Through this seminar and the interaction between the officer and students, the students' awareness of network security and fire safety was strengthened, and their ability to prevent scams and their fire safety knowledge were effectively improved, further reinforcing the campus safety defenses.